T & J

T & J
Lake Murray, SC

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Sweet Niece M, KD Decision and Big Fat Wedding

Hi blog world. Its Monday morning and I'm back to work. I've been dreading this work week because I work for 2 attorney's who are married to eachother and they are leaving this weekend to go out of town for a week for Christmas and I know that it will be insanity trying to wrap up loose ends. In the legal world people seem to have meltdowns around the holidays.  Ex-husbands and ex-wives start fighting and getting back together and arguing about holiday visitation with their kids, people start getting DUI's and committing crimes.  Its usually nuts around here near Christmas so this may be my only blog for the week. 

We had a relaxing weekend which is not normal for us. Our schedule is usually packed to the top.  It was nice to have nothing on our schedule. On Sunday we agreed to babysit my 2 year old niece so my brother and sister-in-law could go Christmas Shopping but when we woke up Sunday morning J had a head cold so I went to my brother's house to watch M and J stayed home. M has Cystic Fibrosis so it would be very risky for J to be around her with any sort of cold. A common cold could lead to a lung infection which could lead to a hospital stay for M and we just could not take that chance. M was a perfect angel on Sunday. When I got to their home her first words were "where's J?". She LOVES J. In fact, when she first started talking she would never say T, only J. She called both of us J! :) After I told her that J was sick she then introduced me to her dad.... as if I did not know my brother. Her exact words were "That's my dad, meet my dad" while she was pointing at him. She introduces everyone. M and I spent the afternoon playing tea party with Mr. Bear and Mrs. Bunny and watching cartoons. We then played "puzzle" which was really a failed attempt at a card game and then we also played princess dress up. She devoured a piece of chocolate cake and all afternoon she insisted that I open the Christmas gift that was wrapped under their tree for J and I. The whole afternoon I wondered if our baby will look like M, if it will be a she or a he and what color hair it will have. I wondered it if will have dimples like M and myself both have. Sunday was a beautiful day.

So we made a pretty major decision this weekend. We have decided to use N as our KD. We are so happy with this decision and feel completely at ease about it. We love N so much and he is honestly one of the most genuinely good people on this great planet. What better person to be our KD. All of our past reservations have been addressed. We drafted a list of concerns to go over with N and we are on the same page about everything. I don't think there is another soul out there who we would trust as our KD other than N. So, we are so excited about using N. Obviously it will be cheaper and we have a higher chance of getting BFP than using frozen swimmers! On another baby related note, we went to the pharmacy over the weekend and were browsing the PNV's. I picked up 2 different brands and could not make a decision so I approached the pharmacy tech and asked her if she knew which brand would be better. She was completely rude to me and said "well hasn't the doctor given you vitamins" and I responded and said "no, I'm not pregnant yet, we are about to start trying" and she said "well it's ridiculous to take these now" and threw them down on the counter. I wanted to reach across the counter and pull her eyelashes out but of course I didn't. I just said, "well thank you ma’am and walked away". I will never understand why people must be rude to each other.  

Ok, so onto the Big Fat Wedding section of my post. Before the wedding in October I managed to pretty easily lose 30lbs. I was eating right and walking once a week with a group I started called "Fit Quest". Well, during the wedding week we had a TON of bad food and by bad I do not mean that it tasted bad, I mean that it is bad for you. I consumed copious amounts of wine, cheese, bread, pasta and cupcakes. Since the wedding festivities which I now called The Big Fat Gay Wedding festivities I have fallen off of the eating healthy wagon. I'm not just hanging off of the side of the wagon... I got dumped out onto the road and ran over. I have been eating ice cream and pizza and eggrolls. I have been out of control. So, I bit the bullet this morning and got on the scale which i was terrified about but to my delight I have only gained 5lbs since the wedding. Well Praise the Lord, Mary, Jesus, Joseph and Bob Hope because I am SOOOO happy about that. So, I hitched a ride back onto the wagon this morning so that means I have 2 weeks to get back on track before the Christmas eating begins. After the Christmas eating I will hop back onto the wagon as usual with my one bad meal per week and I hope to continue this indefinitely. I'd like to lose at least 50 more lbs before I get a BFP(big fat positive-preg). I could probably acheive this in 5 months so we shall see how it progresses. Thanks for reading guys and have a great Monday.
cupcakes at our wedding

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