T & J

T & J
Lake Murray, SC

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crap Crap Crapola

Sooo this has been a not so hot week already.  Yesterday after work my truck wouldnt start.  It finally started but I'm pretty sure I need a new battery. It is also running hot for no apparent reason.  This morning around 5AM J and I woke up to what sounded like someone banging pots and pans around and found that it was our furnace making the noise.  Its been unusually cold here, down into the teens at night which is insane for South Carolina and it seems that our home and car just handle the cold.  So, we tried to turn the heat off but our house is old and you can't just turn it off.  Once the pilot light is lit then its always on and the heat will come on as long as its colder than what the thermostat is set on.  So, I set the thermostat on the lowest possible setting which is 50 and the heat was still coming hom bc it was colder than 50 in the house.  GREAT!!! I called my uncle who is a handy man and he said that one of his rental properties had a busted pipe from the cold so he would make it over but it would be later on this afternoon.  So, in the mean time I hope our house doesn't blow up.  I'm just feeling discouraged today.  I know things will be better once we buy a house but I'm worried about the big payment that will come with that new house.  We also need to buy a car for J...and now it seems like we will need to buy a car for me too.  I just hope and pray and wish that the silver bullet can make it through another year. I know that as soon as J gets out of school and gets a full time job that things will come together without a problem.  I'm just discouraged in the mean time.  I guess the thought of dropping alot of cash to fix my truck and the furnace right here at Christmas just gives me anxiety because well its Christmas.  Oh well, this will be my last discouraging moment.  I'll put on my happy face and have a positive attitude about everything.  Its easier to be positive even if you truly arent because sometimes you can fool yourself.  Its also easier for me because if I'm negative or worried then J gets worried and I hate that because if someone else is worried then I can't fake it anymore. I have no idea if that even made sense but oh well, I just cant worry about that too!  On a side note, I tried to touch up my roots last week and the color i chose was..well.. it should be called stripper trashy trashy blond because thats how I look.  So, Ive been thinking about just going brunette and saying fuck it.  OH I cant believe I just said fuck in my blog!!  I'm so scandalous!  In the mean time, I look like a trashy stripper and my roots are growing out again and my hair seems a little fried and last night I dreamed that it all fell out so I have no idea what I'm going to do about that.  Maybe I'll just go to krispy kreme during my lunch break and eat my worries away...if my truck starts that is.  Speaking of eating, J made an amazing dinner last night.  She is such a great cook.  We had terriyaki chicken with steamed zuccini and squash.  The veggies were amazing! Ok, I do believe that is all for now.  Thanks for listening to me vent..I feel better already!

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