T & J

T & J
Lake Murray, SC

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Car on the Great Stride of life!

Hi blog readers!  I haven't blogged in a week or so.  I hope this finds you all fat and sassy.  Well, as most of you know my beloved truck has been in the shop for weeks now with no luck at finding a solution so on New Years Eve J and I woke up and drove to Dodgeland of Columbia and bough a brand spanking new car! We got a 2010 Dodge Avenger.  It has 4 doors and its shiny and black.  We really needed something reliable and its just one more thing we were able to mark off of the list of things to complete before we start TTC.  There is loads of room in the back seat for babies and such so that makes me grin from ear to ear. 

I also started my 2011 Great Strides campaign.  For those of you who do not knows, Great Strides is a yearly fundraiser to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research.  Nearly all of the money raised goes directly to fund research to find a cure for CF which is a disease that my sweet niece Morgan has.  If you would like to donate to my campaign I would greatly appreciate it.  Also, if you would like to walk with us in Great Strides and start your own fundraising campaign that would be just fabulous.  Sometimes I feel bad for asking the same people over and over to donate money to the CFF but when I look at Morgan's face I know that until the day a cure is found I will keep asking, keep fundraising and keep walking in Great Strides.  Click here to donate or sign up http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/dsp_DonationPage.cfm?walkid=7079&idUser=434772.

On the TTC front.  I still have not purchased any smiles but I have been tracking my cycle monthly and things are looking good and feeling good. I lost 8 more lbs last week but this week I have been eating everything in sight so I probably wont lose any this week. Have a great week blog people!!!